A Farmers' Guide To Buying Bulk Diesel Fuel

Fuel the Farms

Fuel is a very essential part of the success of the agriculture industry. Talking with farmers during the different harvesting seasons, their day-to-day operations performed more efficiently when buying diesel fuel in bulk. Bulk buying comes with many advantages. Some of the major ones are the affordability and the ease of controlling your on-hand fuel supply, with an added bonus of lowering labor cost and downtime. 

1. Knowing the Market

The first job is to be aware of the costs within the market. Senergy will help you optimize your fuel program by helping you balance usage vs. supply. The fuel market is extremely complex and delicate because there are both governmental factors and supply/demand involved. Stay aware of the fluctuation in the market to maximize your savings on fuel.

2. Find the Right Supplier

There are a ton of suppliers out there. What we can tell you is that thousands of companies trust Senergy every day to take care of their vital needs, and we prove time and time again that we are the best choice. You need to have a trusted supplier who will provide you with clean, high-quality fuel. When we say clean, we can’t stress enough the importance of clean diesel. Senergy has a Clean Fluid Solutions program dedicated to helping your equipments diesel reservoirs. Dirty diesel will not only be of horrible quality, but will also require a lot of future maintenance. Bad quality diesel can drastically reduce the lifespan of your machinery and equipment.

Finding the right supplier is important, but which one? This dilemma is solved as well. You need to have the most flexible and reliable service. Onboarding with Senergy Petroleum will do a number of things for your business:

  • Get you into a partnership with one of the biggest suppliers in the Southwest. 
  • Allow you to stop worrying about your needs. Most customers find us to be a one-stop-shop. 
  • Provide you with a dedicated account manager whose only job is to take care of customers like you. 

Senergy will even aid you by providing loaned equipment, bulk diesel, bulk fuel, and bulk DEF services to remote areas. With a wide variety of products, it is guaranteed that you will not be disappointed.

3. Complete Season Buying

Okay, so you have the right supplier on board; what’s next? The next thing you need to ensure is that you buy smart. How so? Well, the most efficient way is by preplanning. Take into consideration your power requirements and your quality needs. Once you have it all mapped out for the year, then you buy it in bulk quantity for the season. Or ask a Senergy expert how to be a part of our “Keep Full” program to help your tanks be full when you need them the most.

4. Management

This management is not just limited to the purchase stage, but the storage phase as well. Keep up with the maintenance on your storage spaces and make sure that all tanks are clean. It is also helpful if you create physical or digital proofs of all your purchases so that you have powerful and comprehensive fuel reporting.  For the times when things don’t work out as planned, we believe that you won’t find a better company to call during an emergency.  

Finding a bulk fuel tank rental available at the last moment can be tricky, and management can help you stay alert.

Following These 4 Simple Steps

Fuel bulk buying can be a tricky job if you don’t stay alert. Working with Senergy Petroleum will help you stay on top of your game and utilize the fuel to the best of its capabilities.